
For filing a case in a court an important document may be required to be presented that is an affidavit which serves as a formal written statement containing the evidence and facts of the case and it’s an official way of presenting evidence to the judge of the court. Affidavits are mandatory to be sworn affirmed or signed by the parties before a commissioner of oath or any solicitor.

A divorce affidavit is that kind of affidavit document on which an oath is taken by both the spouses about their wish to call off their marriage legally. In a divorce affidavit, it may be required for both the spouses to file another financial affidavit for dividing the financial properties between them. There is another affidavit called marriage affidavit which is found at the time of occurrence of marriage to register it legally and allow this marriage to be legally called off if the parties or any party it wishes to do so in a court by filing an affidavit of divorce. However, there lies certain rules and regulations to divorce legally. Therefore divorce effectively is very important in case of divorce matters.

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Concept of the affidavit of divorce

Affidavit of divorce is a legally binding document on both the sides of the parties that contains information related to the case of divorce and has the consent of both the parties.

Affidavit in a divorce case

An effective it is said to be a legally binding document on both the sides of the parties involved that allows to list down the reasons and claims and verify the ground of truth behind such claims. It always depends on the case of divorce that which affidavit needs to be filed and signed by both the affiants to call off their marriage legally. Along with the affidavit of divorce, the parties also required an affidavit of finance to divide the property equally between the two. The affidavit can be used as evidence to the judge as a witness and contains just enough information to convince the judge to make a decision.

However, there are some strict rules about how effective it should be written, what an affidavit can include and how it must be affirmed.

Need for affidavit

In order to support the case affidavit contains facts and evidence is related to the case. Oral evidence can also be presented before the judges but the facts must be written. For example, whenever there is an application in support of a child that application must also contain an affidavit that will provide information on payments incomes and the expenses that may influence the child support case. In the case of divorce, an affidavit is required to be signed by both the spouses when they expect to call their marriage off legally.

What to say in an affidavit

An effective it must include three most important rules: