How to Make an Information Access Request

The purpose of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 (the Act) is to provide the public with the right of access to records and to protect the privacy of individuals whose personal information is in the custody or control of a public body. Information obtained through an access request can take many forms, including paper records, electronic records (e.g. emails, etc.), photographs, etc.

How to Submit an Access to Information Request

The Act is not meant to replace existing means of obtaining information. Before submitting a request, we recommend you contact the public body responsible for the information you are seeking. Staff can help determine what records exist or how best to describe them in your access request, if one is required. If you are unsure of where to submit your request:

When Making an Access to Information Request

When submitting an access request, the request must be made in writing. A copy of the request form can be found below, and is also available at public body offices. The form can be filled out manually or electronically. Once completed it must be mailed, emailed, faxed or delivered to the ATIPP Coordinator of the public body (Contact ATIPP Coordinators). If you are submitting a request to a government department, you can also submit your request online:

Please keep the following in mind when making a request:

Include your name, address, daytime telephone number and email address if you have them. If you are emailing a request to a public body, please ensure the following: