Charlotte mecklenburg fee credit application

Free Library Cards are available to residents of Mecklenburg County, and to those who live outside of Mecklenburg County but are Mecklenburg County property owners. Non-residents of Mecklenburg County can obtain a Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card for an annual fee. Your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Card gives you access to digital materials, resources, and physical items from any of our library locations.

Before You Apply

1) If you have lost your card or account number, see our Current Cardholder page.

2) Are you a student under the age of 18?

3) Some municipal and school employees have automatic access to online resources using their employee id number. Partners include Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools employees, Mecklenburg County employees, and others. Please contact your organization to see if you are eligible for this access.

Virtual Library Card Application


If you have an immediate need for a library card account you are welcome to visit your nearest branch location. To apply for a Virtual Library Card, please click the Resident or Non-resident button below and complete the form.

Physical Library Card Application

To apply for a Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card, adults age 18 or over must provide a valid photo ID and current proof of residency or property ownership in Mecklenburg County. Non-residents of Mecklenburg County can obtain a Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card for an annual fee, which is approximately equal to the annual property tax a Mecklenburg County resident pays to support the Library.

*Please note that international requests and payments cannot be processed.

Adults age 18 or over have the following options to apply for a library card: