The pensions SORP gives guidance on best practice for financial accounting and reporting of pension schemes. Find articles, books and online resources providing quick links to guidance, support and updates.
The first statement (known as SORP 1) was published by the Accounting Standards Committee in 1986 and was based on the 1978 report 'Financial Reports for Pension Funds' from the Pensions Research Accountants Group. After this first statement the SORP making powers transferred to the Pensions Research Accountants Group. PRAG's role in pension scheme accounts is set out in its history.
Statements of Recommended Practice (SORPs) relating to pensions are issued by the Pensions Research Accountants Group (PRAG).
The 2018 Pensions SORP was published in July 2018. This revised SORP updates the 2014 SORP in line with the current version of FRS 102 and the latest pension legislation. The 2018 SORP is effective for years commencing on or after 1 January 2019.
Information on the SORP is available from the PRAG but there is no free, online full text version of the SORP available.
Copies of the latest version (and earlier versions) are also available via the Library service, along with extracts of the following updates and guidance:
In March 2021 PRAG released an addendum to the Pensions SORP to help practitioners understand the additional investment disclosure requirements that have been introduced since the publication of the SORP in 2018. The PRAG press release notes that the new requirements do not affect financial reporting disclosures but do have an impact on the information included in the annual report. The addendum has been made available to PRAG members via the member zone of the PRAG website.
ICAEW REP 97/14: Statement of Recommended Practice: Financial Reports of Pension Schemes
Representation submitted by ICAEW in July 2014 on the exposure draft of the revised SORP published in April 2014. Exposure draft – Statement of Recommended Practice: Financial Reports of Pension Schemes
Draft issued by the PRAG in April 2014 of a revised SORP. The draft differs significantly from the 2007 SORP and reflects changes made by FRS 102. The consultation period ended in July 2014. ICAEW Rep 19/07: Financial Reports of Pension Schemes
Representation submitted by ICAEW on the exposure draft of the revised SORP released in December 2006. The representation was submitted in March 2007. Financial Reports of Pension Schemes: Exposure Draft
PRAG published an exposure draft for the revised SORP in December 2006. The period for comments to be submitted closed on 21 March 2007. Responses to trustee report and accounts discussion paper published
Press release from the Pensions Regulator, published on 30 November 2006, summarising responses to its ‘Review of the form and content of pension scheme report and accounts’ discussion paper. Inclusion of Actuarial Liabilities in the Financial Statements of Pension Schemes
Notes published by the SORP working party for discussion on 26 November 2002. The consultation period closed on 28 February 2003 and a summary of the results of the consultation is now available.
Bulletin 2: Guidance for Reporting Accountants of Stakeholder Pension Schemes in the United Kingdom
Guidance published by the Financial Reporting Council in February 2013, with an example report.
Accounting for Pensions
Report, published in September 2011, by Dr Iain Clacher and Professor Peter Moizer of Leeds University Business School examines the impact of mark-to-market accounting and proposes alternatives to current accounting standards. The financial reporting of pensions: Feedback and redeliberations
Report setting out recommendations on how pensions reporting may be developed in the future. The report was issued in November 2009 by the UK Accounting Standards Board, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group and a number of national standard setters across Europe. More information and related reports on the Financial Reporting of Pensions project are available from the FRC. Report by the Financial Reporting Review Panel on the results of its review into defined benefit disclosures by companies under both IFRS and UK GAAP
Report published in August 2006 by the FRC giving an overview of results and conclusions, discussion of issues arising under IAS 19 and FRS 17 and a detailed analysis of IAS 19 disclosure requirements. A press notice issued on 2 August 2006 summarises the review, Financial Reporting Review Panel publishes Review of Pensions Disclosures under IFRS and UK GAAP.
Example trustees' annual report and financial statements: KPMG guide 2020
Detailed guide from KPMG containing an example trustees' annual report and financial statements, and pension scheme annual report disclosure checklist. Updated in January 2021.
Illustrative annual report and financial statements
Model accounts produced by PwC in May 2020 for an occupational pension scheme applying FRS 102 and the 2018 Pensions SORP.
New 2018 Pensions SORP
Article from Evelyn Partners, published in September 2018, on the new Pensions SORP providing an overview of the changes. Previously published by Smith & Williamson prior to the launch of Evelyn Partners.
Pension scheme financial reporting - A way forward?
Sample financial statements and notes highlighting emerging best practice for pension scheme reporting under FRS 102 and the 2015 SORP. Published by KPMG in April 2017.
ICAEW on pensions
The latest guidance, articles, reports, technical releases, helpsheets, representations and webinars published by ICAEW on the area of pensions.
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Practical guidance on the requirements introduced by the Pensions Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP), with a disclosure checklist, example accounts and example annual report.
A checklist intended for UK occupational trust based pension schemes preparing their Annual Report for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2019, or for those early adopting the requirements of SORP 2018. It takes account of the requirements of the 2018 SORP, and the requirement to include a DC Chairs Governance Statement.
An example pension scheme annual report to meet the requirements introduced by the Pensions Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP).
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Accounting for Limited Liability Partnerships
Accounting for registered social housing providers
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